Обо мне
Я мама двух замечательных детей: 11-летней Вари и Степы, которому скоро будет 3,5 года. Первый год декрета я с удовольствием занималась только детьми, на второй год быть просто мамой и хорошим человек показалось мало)), возвращаться в офис на полный рабочий день желания нет, поэтому решила осуществить давнюю мечту - работать дома. С 10 лет я много шила, помогала маме - по образованию она модельер-конструктор, одно время работала в ателье, а потом открыла своё домашнее ателье. Ну так вот, решила я заняться тем, что умею лучше всего и чем любила заниматься с самого детства - придумывать образы, кроить, шить. Надеюсь, вам понравиться))
Все любимчики в моем блоге Mylovely
Новости нашей семейной четверки в блоге MyKidsMy
Моё рабочее место тут
I have a 9 years old daughter named Barbara and 2 years old son Stepan who are the never ending inspiration behind my work, and daily life.
Since 10 years I sewed a lot, helped my mother - she Education fashion-designer, at one time worked in the studio, and then opened his home studio. Well, I decided to do what I can best and what I loved to do since childhood - to invent images, cut, sew.
Since childhood, I love the holidays. Bow ties are part of the holiday, so I had the idea to sew neckties for children's holidays first, then for adults. Sew ties only it's boring, so there were headbands in our store. My daughter was thrilled with the idea;)
I started sewing toys when I was still a child. The fact that my mother talked a lot about my great-grandmother, who worked at a toy factory. After that, I feel so wanted to make something like that.
Now a bit about the stuff that I use. Everything in the store I sew from 100% cotton sometimes with the addition of wool, silk, linen.
Products are packed in a beautiful box which my husband
has developed desigh. http://bowup.blogspot.com/2011/05/home-for-bow-tie.html
At last: Welcome to my shop))
All my lovely guys are in my blog My lovely
All about my family in my blog MyKidsMy
My workplace is here
Все любимчики в моем блоге Mylovely
Новости нашей семейной четверки в блоге MyKidsMy
Моё рабочее место тут
I have a 9 years old daughter named Barbara and 2 years old son Stepan who are the never ending inspiration behind my work, and daily life.
Since 10 years I sewed a lot, helped my mother - she Education fashion-designer, at one time worked in the studio, and then opened his home studio. Well, I decided to do what I can best and what I loved to do since childhood - to invent images, cut, sew.
Since childhood, I love the holidays. Bow ties are part of the holiday, so I had the idea to sew neckties for children's holidays first, then for adults. Sew ties only it's boring, so there were headbands in our store. My daughter was thrilled with the idea;)
I started sewing toys when I was still a child. The fact that my mother talked a lot about my great-grandmother, who worked at a toy factory. After that, I feel so wanted to make something like that.
Now a bit about the stuff that I use. Everything in the store I sew from 100% cotton sometimes with the addition of wool, silk, linen.
Products are packed in a beautiful box which my husband
has developed desigh. http://bowup.blogspot.com/2011/05/home-for-bow-tie.html
At last: Welcome to my shop))
All my lovely guys are in my blog My lovely
All about my family in my blog MyKidsMy
My workplace is here
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Это я) |
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My husband, BowUp designer |
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My daughter, BowUp fashion model |
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Это мой сын Степа, как всегда с шайбой в руке) |
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А это мой папа, тоже фотомодель) |